Video Library

This is a collection of fire prevention and education videos relevant to wildland fire management in Indian Country.

Not all videos were produced by the BIA.

About BIA Fire Management

"BIA Fire and Aviation Recruitment Video," a 6 minute video about the Bureau of Indian Affairs Aviation Program. 

BIA Fire and Aviation Recruitment Video

Prescribed Burning and Traditional Ecological Knowledge

"Native Fire" discusses Native American's historic use of fire and addresses how traditional practices in the southern plains states have influenced its modern-day application. In it, fire research specialists speak to this history and address some of the complex challenges facing landscapes today. The 13-minute video also explains why fire is an essential and timeless tool that is necessary for maintaining and restoring ecosystems that evolved with fire. When safely applied by professionals at the right time, in the right way, for the right reasons, these prescribed fires reduce vegetation buildup, help protect our communities and restores our fire-dependent ecosystems.

Native Fire

Catching Fire

"Catching Fire" tells a compelling story of how a small but committed group of local, tribal, state and federal land managers are bringing back the use of prescribed fire as a tool to protect communities and ecosystems across Northern California. It examines the use of fire by the Karuk Tribe of California, and the connection between the rise of megafires across the West and the last century of fire suppression. Drawing on interviews with fire scientists, tribal and federal land managers, and fire-savvy residents, this film provides insight on how our relationship to fire can be restored through strategic use of prescribed fire, a powerful management tool. 

Catching Fire: Prescribed Burning in Northern CA (ENTIRE FILM)

WTREX 2016 - Yolanda Yallup

In the vignette "WTREX 2016 - Yolanda Yallup," a wildland firefighter with the BIA Forestry and Wildland Fire Management - Northwest Region discusses her experience at the Northern California Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX) which focused on women participants (WTREX 2016).

Wildfire Prevention

In "Carrying Fire the Pikunii Way," learn about how and why the Pikunii, or Blackfeet, people transported fire from one camp to another as they traveled along historical migration routes. In this 12-minute video interview with Pikunii elder Marvin Weatherwax, he describes the importance, technology, and use of the Fire Carrier by visiting the Fireworks Web Page.

Additional Information

Additional Resources

Contact Us

Division of Wildland Fire Management

National Interagency Fire Center, 3383 S. Development Ave.
Boise, ID 83705

Open 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday.