
Indian Affairs Manual

The Indian Affairs Manual (IAM) documents the current operational policy of Indian Affairs' (IA) programs. IAMs are permanent policy that do not 'expire' like National Policy Memorandums (NPMs) do, but they should be reviewed for accuracy regularly, and updated whenever necessary. Additionally, per 381 DM 1, all DOI bureaus/offices must review their own policies/directives every two years for need and correctness.

The IAM is organized into sections called Parts, which are the major functions and programs (for example: Budget, Trust, Education) under the authority of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs. Each Part is further divided into chapters; these chapters describe (in general) what each program or functional area is responsible for (what they do) and under what authority they do it. Employees can access the IAM template and other policy guidance by visiting RACA's internal website via SharePoint (for IA employees only):

Note that chapters without document links either: have not yet been developed, or are in development/review by the appropriate program office (but not yet final and available for posting).

Part 0 Introduction and Index
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Introduction and Index 4/23/08
2 Index (Note: the "Index" referred to here is this document) (Continually Updated)
Part 1 Indian Affairs Directives System
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 General 10/17/24
2 Federal Register Documents Superseded by 18 IAM 2
3 Indian Affairs Manual (IAM) 2/08/11
4 Handbooks to the Indian Affairs Manual 2/08/11
5 Regional Directives (RDs) 2/08/11
6 National Policy Memoranda (NPMs) 2/08/11
7 Regional Policy Memoranda (RPMs) 2/08/11
8 Assistant Secretary's Orders (ASOs) 2/08/11
Part 2 Organization
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Policy and Responsibilities 10/25/99
2 Order of Succession Superseded by 302 DM 1
3 Headquarters Orders of Succession Superseded by 302 DM 1
Part 3 Delegations of Authority
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 General 10/25/99
2 Delegations to Office Directors, Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs 10/25/99
4 Delegation of Authority - Director, BIA to Deputy Bureau Director, Field Operations and to Regional Organizational Levels 5/25/21
5 Delegation of Authority - Director, BIA to Deputy Bureau Director, Justice Services 5/17/10
6 Delegation of Authority - Director, BIA to the Deputy Bureau Director, Indian Services and Deputy Bureau Director, Trust Services 10/29/15
7 Reserved
8 Delegations to Deputy Directors, Associate Deputy Directors, and the Assistant Deputy Director (BIE) 11/05/10
9 Delegation of Authority to the Director, Office of Self Governance 3/13/12
10 Delegations to the Deputy CFO and Division Chiefs,Office of the Chief Financial Officer 5/26/21
11 Delegation of Authority - Director, BIA to the Chief, Division of Trust Land Consolidation 11/18/22
Part 4 Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Payment of Attorney Fees 8/20/20
Part 5 Management Accountability
Chapter Title Issued Date
0 Overview and Responsibilities 8/02/16
1 Internal Controls and Audits 8/02/16
2 Single Audits 9/30/19
3 Annual Assurance Statements 8/02/16
4 Annual Assurance Statements See 5 IAM 3 (08/02/16)
Part 6 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 7 Correspondence Management
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Goals and Responsibilities 4/27/01
2 Clearance and Signature Authorities 4/27/01
3 Copies 4/27/01
4 Data Tracking System (DTS) 6/27/13
Part 8 Equal Opportunity Programs
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview
2 Anti-discrimination in the Workplace
3 Procedures for BIA and BIE Employees to File a Complaint of Discrimination 1/28/10
4 Harassment-Free Workplace and Harassment Claims 6/18/18
5 Reserved
Part 9 Records Management
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 10 Information Quality
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Information Quality - General Overview 7/21/09
2 Quality of Disseminated Information 7/21/09
3 Scientific Integrity 7/21/09
4 Scientific Conduct 7/21/09
5 Peer Review 7/21/09
6 Requests for Correction and Administrative Appeals 7/21/09
Part 11 Public Affairs
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 12 Congressional and Legislative Affairs
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 13 Indian Self-Determination* (*This function falls under the purview of the Office of Indian Services)
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Authorities and Waivers 1/27/16
2 Implementation Plans 1/29/16
3 Awarding Official Certification System 1/27/16
4 Awarding Official Standard of Conduct 1/27/16
5 Contract File Location, Organization and Retention 7/09/20
6 Mandatory Training for Designated Roles 3/04/24
7 Contract Support Costs 1/10/17
Part 14 Indian Self-Governance
Chapter Title Issued Date
2 Initiative Funding and Funding Increase Distributions 6/05/19
Part 15 Federal Acknowledgement
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 16 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 17 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 18 Regulatory Affairs and Collaborative Action
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 10/17/24
2 Federal Register Notices and Rules 6/08/20
3 Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) and Information Collection 8/16/19
4 Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution Rescinded; no longer falls under RACA
5 Directives System 6/13/24
Part 19 Oversight
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Conference-related Activities 2/15/18
Part 20 Performance Management* (*This function falls under the purview of the Office of Budget & Performance Management)
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 9/23/24
2 Strategic Planning 9/25/24
3 Indian Affairs Performance Management System 9/20/24
4 Annual Performance-based Budget Consolidated into 20 IAM 1
5 IA Performance Management System (IA-PMS) See 20 IAM 3 (9/20/24)
6 Performance Cost Data and Modeling Rescinded 9/04/24
7 Program Review and Assessment Consolidated into 20 IAM 1
8 Capital Planning and Investment Control Rescinded 9/04/24
9 Program Planning Guidance Rescinded 9/04/24
Part 21 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 22 Acquisition Management
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview and Responsibilities
2 Ratification of Unauthorized Commitments 5/05/22
3 Purchase Request 5/06/24
4 Procurement of Training from Commercial Vendors 8/16/24
5 Contract Files and Reviews
6 Grants and Cooperative Agreements 4/28/16
7 Inter-Intra agency and Reimbursable Support Agreements
8 Buy Indian Act Compliance 9/25/24
9 Protest Reporting 7/01/24
Part 23 Property* (*This function falls under the purview of the Office of Facilities, Property, and Safety Management)
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 9/25/24
2 Property Accountability 3/14/24
3 Personal and Real Property Inventory 12/13/22
4 Budget Object Class (BOC) Requisitions and Leases/Rentals Rescinded 2/24/21
5 Receipt of Property 12/05/23
6 Personal Property Identification & Property Tag Distribution Procedure 12/01/23
7 Stores Rescinded 4/02/21
8 Managing Stolen, Lost, Damaged, or Destroyed Personal Property 12/18/23
9 Acquisition and Accountability of Firearms and Ammunition 3/19/24
10 Property Classification 2/14/22
11 Fleet Management 5/06/22
Part 24 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Reserved
Part 25 Safety and Risk Management* (*This function falls under the purview of the Office of Facilities, Property, and Safety Management)
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 8/21/23
2 Design Review, Final Inspection, and Certificate of Occupancy Program 4/26/24
3 Occupational Safety and Health Program 8/21/23
4 Motor Vehicle Safety Program 4/24/24
5 Loss Compensation Program 6/20/24
6 Employee Injury Compensation Program 6/17/24
7 Radiation Safety Program 1/23/24
8 Fire Safety Program 7/27/23
9 Technical Assistance Program Rescinded 5/07/20
Part 26 Budget and Performance Management
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview
2 Administrative Control of Funds 5/05/21
3 Distribution of Resources 2/15/22
4 Reimbursement Authority 9/30/09
5 Reprogramming 1/05/24
6 Federal Financial System Codes Rescinded 10/27/20
7 Budget Formulation 11/02/23
8 Management of Carryover Funds 2/08/23
Part 27 Financial Management
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview
2 Reimbursable Agreements/Sales Orders
3 Payments
4 Debt Management 9/27/23
5 Financial Systems
6 Undelivered Orders Review 4/16/24
7 Temporary Duty Travel 12/20/16
8 Permanent Change of Station 9/28/22
9 Manual Journal Vouchers 9/27/23
10 Recording Manual Acquisition of Capitalized Assets in FBMS (ABZON Transaction in FBMS) 4/25/23
11 Accounts Payable 2-Way and 3-Way Match 5/08/23
12 Charge Card Reallocations 12/18/23
13 Intra-governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) Process 9/20/23
14 Proceeds from the Sale of Personal Property and Motor Vehicles 06/16/23
15 Assets Under Construction (AUC) Accounting Management 6/05/17
16 Miscellaneous Obligations 10/19/17
17 Use of Expired Funds 3/06/24
18 Student Work-Study Payments and IRS Reporting 6/10/22
19 1099 Processing, Issuance, and Corrections 4/18/24
Part 28 Human Capital Management* (*OHCM chapter numbering historically followed the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) index scheme but is being revised to reflect a regular numbering scheme (i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc.))
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 9/26/24
2 Attendance and Leave 10/11/16
3 Employee Exit Clearance 4/06/17
4 Probationary and Trial Periods 9/25/24
5 Nepotism 9/10/24
8 Performance Appraisal - Reconsideration Process 10/01/24
9 Awards and Recognition 3/08/24
11 Fitness Membership Fee Reimbursement 5/06/24
335 IA Merit Promotion and Placement 3/10/16
338 Maximum Entry Age and Mandatory Retirement of Law Enforcement Officers Rescinded 11/17/11
351 Competitive Areas 7/28/10
Part 29 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 30 Education (Management)
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Organization and Responsibilities
2 Cooperative Agreements with Local Public School Districts 1/11/11
3 School Contingency Funds 05/09/24
4 Critical Incident and Death Reporting Form Policy 7/23/13
5 Prohibiting Use of Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco and Inhalants in BIE Schools In draft
6 Zero Tolerance for Firearms and Other Weapons 9/12/13
7 Health and Wellness Policy 12/28/11
8 Donations Policy 2/12/21
9 Parental Permission Slip for Extracurricular Activities 10/26/10
10 Family and Child Education (FACE) Procedures 3/11/11
12 Emergency Management Programs in BIE Schools 5/17/12
13 Medication Administration at BIE-Operated Schools and Dormitories 11/04/15
14 K-12 Suicide Prevention, Early Intervention, and Postvention Services 7/28/11
15 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 6/07/22
16 BIE School Policy for Sexual Offenders, K-12 1/23/13
17 Waiver Procedures for Home Living Standards 12/18/17
18 BIE Strategic Decision-Making Process 3/01/18
19 BIE High Risk Fiscal Oversight Policy 5/02/18
20 Student Progress and Promotion Policy 12/20/21
21 Tribally Controlled School Grants Act (TCSGA) Grant File Location, Organization, and Retention Policy 8/24/22
Part 31 Education (Programs)
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 32 Education (Personnel)
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Reserved
2 Education Contract Personnel 4/21/09
3 Waiving Qualification Requirements for Teacher Recruitment Organizations 4/16/13
Part 33 Education (Student Support Services)
Chapter Title Issued Date
2 Certificate of Completion Policy 12/20/21
Part 34 Education (Post Secondary)
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Post Secondary Schools - Policy, Procedures and Responsibilities
6 Addressing and Responding to Sexual Violence and Abuse at BIE Post-Secondary Institutions 10/11/12
7 Post Secondary Suicide Prevention, Early Intervention, and Postvention Services 7/28/11
Part 35 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 36 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 37 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 38 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 39 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 40 Law Enforcement and Corrections
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Authority and Responsibilities 2/24/99
2 Law Enforcement Standards 5/05/99
3 Corrections Standards 5/09/07
Part 41 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 42 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 43 Indian Economic Development
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Reserved
2 Energy and Mineral Development 1/13/17
Part 44 Grant Programs
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Indian Business Development Program 10/04/04
Part 45 Job Placement and Training
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Employment Assistance and Vocational Training 10/25/99
2 Demonstration Programs 10/14/98
Part 46 Loan Programs
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 General 11/19/98
2 Loan Guarantees and Interest Subsidies 10/25/99
3 Direct Loans 10/25/99
Part 47 Indian Gaming
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Tribal Revenue Allocation Plans 3/11/11
Part 48 Indian Energy Service Center
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 2/14/23
Part 49 Probate
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Memorandum of Partnership (BIA, OST, OHA)
2 Reserved
3 Requesting Modification to Indian Probate
Part 50 Irrigation and Power
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Irrigation Overview 10/16/18
2 Electric Power Utilities 9/16/19
Part 51 Land Titles and Records
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 9/28/22
2 Recording and Custody of Land Title Documents 6/21/21
3 Filing and Custody of Non-Land Trust Asset Documents 4/30/12
4 Examination and Certification of Land Title 6/21/21
Part 52 Real Estate Services
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 2/22/23
2 Boundary Evidence Standards
3 Monitoring and Clearing of Invoices and Trust Fund Payments from Trust Funds Receivables 7/14/10
4 Processing Mortgages of Trust Properties 10/17/18
5 IIM Land Use Agreement Direct Payment Arrangement 7/21/08
6 Delinquent Payments Received on Expired Leases 1/22/08
7 Corrective Deeds and Affidavits 10/14/22
8 Posting for Deposits of Right-of-Way Funds Rescinded 1/04/22
9 Processing Rights-of-Way 10/21/21
10 Tribal Land Assignments 2/11/08
11 USDA Farm Services Program Payments 1/22/08
12 Processing Discretionary Fee-to-Trust Applications 6/24/10
13 Approval of Tribal Leasing Regulations under the HEARTH Act 6/16/22
14 Business Leases 9/30/21
15 Off-Reservation Fee-to-Trust Decisions 10/5/21
Part 53 Forestry
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Policy, Authorities and Responsibilities 9/01/06
2 Forest Management Planning 5/22/15
3 Harvest of Forest Products 3/04/24
4 Permit Sales of Forest Products Superseded by 53 IAM 3
5 Forest Development 4/14/17
6 Forest Pest Management 9/01/06
7 Forest Trespass 10/14/20
8 Inventory and Monitoring 1/17/24
9 Silviculture 3/07/24
10 Woodland Management 10/11/16
11 Forest Management Deductions 9/01/06
Part 54 Ag and Range
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Agricultural and Rangeland Management Overview 7/14/21
2 Rangeland Resource Inventory and Vegetation Monitoring 9/28/20
3 Agricultural Resource Management Planning 9/28/20
4 Grazing Permit Issuance, Administration and Monitoring 9/28/20
5 Rangeland and Cropland Development 9/28/20
6 Trespass 10/14/20
7 Management of Noxious Weeds on Indian Lands 9/28/20
Part 55 Safety of Dams
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 5/22/20
2 Program Requirements for Existing and Proposed Dams Rescinded 10/27/23
Part 56 Fish, Wildlife, and Recreation
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Authority and Responsibilities 2/13/17
2 Resource Management 3/27/17
Part 57 Aviation Management
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Responsibilities and Overview 9/19/18
2 Operations 9/19/18
3 Safety 9/19/18
Part 58 Geospatial
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 59 Environmental and Cultural Resources Management
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Policy, Requirements and Responsibilities 11/17/11
2 Environmental Management Assessment and Performance Program 10/20/11
3 National Environmental Policy Act 10/20/11
4 Hazardous Substances Investigation, Remediation and Reporting 8/30/12
7 Paleontological Resources 4/30/12
8 Protection of Historical and Archeological Resources 10/16/12
9 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation 3/07/12
10 Museum Program 8/30/16
Part 60 Information Resources
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Authorities, Organization, and Responsibilities 12/27/05
Part 61 Chief Information Officer - Indian Affairs
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 62 Information Policy
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview
2 Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA)
3 Information Collection (PRA) Superseded by 18 IAM 3
4 Freedom of Information (FOIA) and Privacy Act 2/15/00
5 Records Management
6 Correspondence Management
7 eGov and NSN Domain Program
8 Communication and Outreach
Part 63 Information Planning
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview
2 Capital Planning and Investment Control See also 20 IAM 8
Part 64 Information Development
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Reserved
Part 65 Information Security and Privacy
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 General
2 Network Account Password 12/17/07
3 Media Protection 12/17/07
4 Portable Device Use 12/17/07
5 Personal Use of Government Resources 12/17/07
6 Help Desk Use 12/17/07
7 Email Use 12/17/07
8 Internet Use 12/17/07
9 Remote Access 3/04/10
Part 66 Information Architecture and Engineering
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 67 Information Operations
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 68 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 69 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 70 Human Services
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 5/12/14
2 Tribal Redesign Plans for General Assistance (GA)
3 Financial Assistance and Social Services Reporting (FASSR) 12/14/17
4 Child Protection and Child Welfare 7/05/22
5 Supervised Individual Indian Money (IIM) Accounts 6/17/19
6 Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) 6/07/22
7 Housing Improvement Program (HIP) 9/25/23
Part 71 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 72 Transportation * (*See also Part 81 (Road Construction) and Part 82 (Road Maintenance) as these functions fall under the purview of the Office of Indian Services, Division of Transportation)
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 73 Tribal Government Services
Chapter Title Issued Date
2 Tribal Leaders Directory 2/06/23
3 Indian Entities List 2/22/23
Part 74 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 75 Trust Land Consolidation
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview and Authorities 11/18/22
Part 76 Indian Land Consolidation Program This entire Part has been rescinded since the program is no longer operative
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Organization and Responsibilities
2 Reserved
3 Application Policy to Acquire Fractionated Interests Using ILCP Funds
4 Conveyance of Indian Land Consolidation Purchased Interests to Indian Co-Owner
5 ILCP Purchase of Trust and/or Restricted Land Interests during Consolidation by Sale
6 Acquisition Policy using Revenue from the ILCP Acquisition Fund
7 Life Estate Policy for ILCP
8 Mineral Acquisition to reduce number of Fractional Mineral Interests
9 Witness Policy for the ILCP
10 ILCP Tracts and Timber Sale Revenue
11 Purchase of Surface and Mineral Interests using ILCP Funds
12 Rounding as applied by ILCP
13 Account Restriction Policy for the Indian Land Consolidation Program
14 Purchase of Trust and/or Restricted Land Interests at Probate
15 Sale of Trust and/or Restricted Land Interests by BIA Employee to ILCP
16 Application Policy to Acquire Fractionated Ownership Interests Held by Minors
17 Acquiring Fractionated Interests at Fair Market Value
18 Deeds Recorded in the TAAMS Image Repository
19 Reserved
20 Using Appraised Values from OAS
21 Recoup Revenue Process
22 Using Appraised Values received from OME
23 Automatic Application of Conveyance in TAAMS
Part 77 Land Buy Back Program
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Land Buy-Back Acquisition Center Overview 5/22/20
2 Automated Application of Conveyance Recordation in TAAMS Superseded by 77 IAM 1
Part 78 BIA - Other Programs
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Youth Initiative Program 10/07/15
2 Data Governance 5/13/24
Part 79 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 80 Facilities Management Program* (*This function falls under the purview of the Office of Facilities, Property, and Safety Management)
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 12/26/19
2 Facilities Construction Program 1/24/24
3 Operations and Maintenance Program 1/23/07
4 Construction of New or Replacement Quarters 1/23/07
5 Quarters Operations and Maintenance Program 1/23/07
6 Energy Conservation and Energy Management Program 9/20/24
7 105(l) Lease of Facilities 9/20/24
8 Demolition Program 9/30/23
9 Construction FI&R Funding Allocation Methodology 9/25/24
11 Education Construction Site Assessment and Capital Investment Program 9/02/21
12 Public Safety and Justice Construction Site Assessment and Capital Investment Program 9/30/23
Part 81 Road Construction * (*This function falls under the purview of the Office of Indian Services, Division of Transportation (Part 72))
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 82 Road Maintenance* (*This function falls under the purview of the Office of Indian Services, Division of Transportation (Part 72))
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 83 Capital Asset Management
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 84 Education Facilities
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 85 Non-Education Facilities
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 86 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 87 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 88 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 89 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 90 Wildland Fire Management
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview and Responsibilities 10/08/19
2 Fiscal Management 8/20/20
3 Preparedness 4/08/20
4 Fuels Management 8/28/20
5 Wildfire Prevention 9/06/22
6 Wildfire Investigation 9/25/23
8 Post-Wildfire Recovery 5/14/20
Part 91 Homeland Security (Infrastructure Protection)
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource Protection Policy, Functions, and Responsibilities
Part 92 Emergency Management
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 Overview 4/09/21
2 Emergency Notification Requirements and Employee Accountability 10/11/22
Part 93 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 94 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 95 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 96 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 97 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 98 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 99 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 100 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 101 Reserved This was called 'Individual Indian Money Accounts' but has since been superseded by 70 IAM 5
Chapter Title Issued Date
1 General 8/21/00 (Rescinded 11/20/17, see 70 IAM 5)
2 Supervised Accounts 8/21/00 (Rescinded 11/20/17, see 70 IAM 5)
3 Reserved
4 Appeals Process 8/21/00 (Rescinded 11/20/17, see 70 IAM 5)
Part 102 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 103 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 104 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date
Part 105 Reserved
Chapter Title Issued Date