Tribal Transportation Program

Division of Transportation:
(605) 226-7645

484352 IRR

The Tribal Transportation Program mission is to provide safe and adequate transportation and public road access to and within Indian reservations in the Great Plains Region, Indian lands and communities for Native Americans, visitors, recreationists, resource uses and others while contributing to economic development, self-determination, and employment of Native Americans.

The Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) is part of the Federal-Aid Highway Program and is funded from the Highway Trust Fund. It is Authorized under the Federal Lands Highway Program, 23 United States Code (USC) 204. Use of TTP Program funds is defined in 23 USC. This program is jointly administered by the BIA and the Federal Highway Administration. We prepare the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that is a 5- year plan for improvements on each reservation. Each project on our TIP is supported by tribal resolution. We submit our TIP to the BIA Division of Transportation (BIADOT) for review and approval. BIADOT reviews, approves, and forwards our TIP to FHWA Federal Lands Highway Office (FLHO) for approval. Once the TIP is approved by the FHWA, we then have projects that costs can be charged to. All projects have to be on the approved TIP. All of our projects are supported by Tribal resolution.

We contract all of our construction to Tribes under PL 93-638.

Road Maintenance
A Tribe may now use up to 25% of its share of TTP Program funds for road maintenance. Road sealing not subject to limitation. BIA retains primary responsibility. Funds supplement the DOI BIA road maintenance program funds. Eligibility criteria per Subpart G of 25 CFR 170.

We address proposed roads needed for future housing, health care facilities, education facilities and economic development. Proposed roads have to be included in each Tribe’s long range transportation plan. We are available to assist Tribes in the Great Plains Region in updating their TTP inventory.