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News by Year

BIE Many Farms School
The project is expected to take three-and-a-half years and will represent a total investment of more than $200 million in modernizing facilities for Many Farms High School students. Date: 12/12/24
Panel on strengthening nation-to-nation relationship
Consensus-based revisions will strengthen Tribal sovereignty Date: 12/09/24
The Department of the Interior and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, in partnership with the White House Council on Environmental Quality and Office of Science and Technology Policy, are pleased to announce the release of Opportunities for Federal Support of Community-Driven Relocation and Community-Driven Relocation: Guide for Communities to Federal Programs and Resources. Date: 12/09/24
Secretary Haaland providing opening remarks for Tribal Nations Summit 2024
Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland today delivered opening remarks during the Biden-Harris administration’s fourth White House Tribal Nations Summit at the Department of the Interior. Date: 12/09/24
Photo of a Native American woman with a red handprint in the forefront of the photo.
Guidelines Honor Commitment Made in Response to Not Invisible Act Commission Recommendations Date: 12/09/24
Federal Indian Boarding School
The Department of the Interior today announced new agreements with the U.S. Library of Congress and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History as part of the Department’s Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative. Date: 12/09/24
Native children in a black and white photo
At the 2024 White House Tribal Nations Summit today, Departments of the Interior, Education and Health and Human Services (HHS) released a 10-year National Plan on Native Language Revitalization, which outlines a comprehensive, government-wide strategy to support the revitalization, protection, preservation and reclamation of Native languages. Date: 12/09/24
Announcement represents last of the $2.5 billion authorized by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Date: 12/09/24
Secretary Deb Haaland at Carlisle Federal Indian Boarding School
President Joe Biden today signed a presidential proclamation establishing the Carlisle Federal Indian Boarding School National Monument in Carlisle, Pennsylvania as the 432nd site in national park system. Date: 12/09/24
Secretary Deb Haaland today applauded the 400 co-stewardship agreements signed by the Biden-Harris administration with Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations and consortiums in remarks at the 2024 White House Tribal Nations Summit. Date: 12/09/24
DEMD NIOGEMS Upcoming Training Sesssions graphic
Upcoming NIOGEMS Training and Feedback Sessions Date: 11/27/24
A Tribal police car driving down the street. In the background you can see deer.
Authority over criminal offenses will be transferred to the Tribe by the State of Washington Date: 11/25/24
tedc grant nofo jan 2025
TEDC Grant is Now Open! Closing date is January 16, 2025 Date: 11/13/24
A woven decorative item with a man in the maze design.
STOP Act protects cultural items from illegal export and trafficking Date: 10/24/24
Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland, center, is joined by leaders from the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and other federal officials at a groundbreaking event for new water and sewer system upgrades at the Cascade Locks Treaty In-Lieu site in Oregon on Oct. 1, 2024. During the event, Newland announced a new investment of nearly $10 million from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to provide critical rehabilitation at Tribal fishing sites along the Columbia River.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will support improved clean water and sanitation facilities for Tribal fishers Date: 10/01/24
Solar panel on the Hopi Reservation
Funding from the Tribal Electrification Program will help close access-to-electricity gap in 13 communities Date: 09/26/24
Timber Team assisting the Stockbridge-Munsee Community of Wisconsin to assess CFI plot damage after an extreme windstorm event.
The BIA Timber Team provided critical forestry support to 16 Tribes across eight states and five BIA regions, engaging in tasks such as forest inventory, timber sale preparation, silvicultural prescription writing, and training. Date: 09/25/24
Photo of Bryan Mercier, Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Bryan Mercier will be appointed BIA director upon Darryl LaCounte’s retirement Date: 09/06/24
Photo from the visit to Taos Pueblo historical sites.
$1.4 million will support Tribal tourism initiatives Date: 08/20/24
OIED Releases the FY 2023 NATIVE Act Congressional Report Date: 08/13/24
The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development has been selected to implement a new federal cooperative agreement to strengthen collaboration and coordination related to travel and tourism on federal and tribal lands. The selection was made by the Office of Indian Economic Development (OIED) within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs at the Department of the Interior. Date: 07/31/24
ASIA Newland lays flowers on a gravesite.
Financial assistance programs directly support American Indian and Alaska Native families and individuals Date: 07/23/24
BIA Logo News Article Image
PROGRESS Act promotes consensus between U.S. and Tribes Date: 07/02/24
Uncrewed Aircraft Systems piloting students take part in a four-person training module near Placitas, NM on the Sandia Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest.
The Division of Wildland Fire Management acquires new uncrewed aircraft systems and trains interagency and Tribal students to pilot them. Date: 06/26/24
Signing of a new agreement for BIE schools and students.
Partnership with Native American Agriculture Fund will increase career pathways for BIE students Date: 06/06/24
A photo of a tower on top of a mountain with a design showing connectivity.
The ICT division will support Tribal sovereignty over digital resources and promote economic development on Tribal lands Date: 04/22/24
DOI U.S. Indian Affairs logo
President's 2025 Budget maintains strong support for Tribal communities. Date: 03/11/24
A photo of the Haskell Indian Nations University sign on campus.
WASHINGTON – The Bureau of Indian Education and the Native American Agriculture Fund today announced a historic investment in a new agriculture business degree program in partnership with Haskell Indian Nations University. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland made the announcement in remarks at the American Indian Higher Education Consortium’s Annual Legislative Summit in Washington, D.C. Date: 02/06/24
A woman wrapped in a blanket standing on the edge of a cliff with text encouraging readers to reclaim their wellness.
24/7 crisis support available at all BIE and Tribal schools Date: 02/01/24
A photo of native youth learning traditional ways of life with a teacher.
Program increases access to family and social services in Tribal communities Date: 01/11/24
A small herd of bison gathered together in a field.
Funding from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda supports Tribally based projects Date: 01/09/24

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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