The Office of Tribal Leases administers the 105(l) lease program. This program is provided under the Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act (ISDEAA), 25 U.S.C. § 5324(l). A 105(l) lease is not a traditional lease but an agreement between Indian Affairs and a Tribe or Tribal Organization to reimburse facility costs. Costs may be reimbursed when a facility (or part of a facility) is used to carry out ISDEAA approved programs, functions, services, or activities (PFSAs).
- 105(l) Template - Self Governance
- 105(l) Template-Self Determination (Title I)
- 105(l) Sample Tribal Resolution Language
- Chief Financial Officer Sample Cert
- 105(l) Sample Renewal Request
Tribal Leases OFPSM Staff
- Cody Seaton, Chief, Office of Tribal Leases
- Mason Clark, Senior Realty Specialist
- Lisa Vice, Realty Specialist
Contact Us
Reston, VA 20191