Office of Budget & Performance Management


The Office of Budget and Performance Management (OBPM) is located in Washington, D.C. and Reston, Virginia, and provides guidance and technical assistance to tribes and Indian Affairs' programs on budget policy, procedures, processes and systems to effectively manage budget formulation and execution functions. The OBPM also provides assistance on performance management, focusing on results and the use of those results to improve organizational effectiveness. The OBPM ensures effective integration of performance goals and results into the budget process by providing Indian Affairs and tribes with the support tools necessary to streamline the budget formulation and execution processes as well as performance data collection and reporting, facilitating transparency and accountability to Congress and Indian country.

Vision Statement

To serve the interest of Tribal and Alaska Native communities, Indian Affairs, and other stakeholders by providing outstanding budget, planning, and performance management services.

Mission Statement

To provide timely, accurate, useful, and transparent information to stakeholders and decision makers by integrating planning and budget support congruent with the vision, mission, and goals of Indian Affairs by:

  1. Maintaining accountability for budgetary and performance resources;
  2. managing the execution of funds;
  3. developing and maintaining high quality and timely reporting; and
  4. providing strategic planning leadership.

Office of Budget and Performance Management

David Mahooty, Director

Randi L. Adams, Acting Deputy Director

  • OBPM
  • HR & Policy

The OBPM has the following divisions:

Division of AS-IA Administration, Nia Carty-McDonald, Division Chief

Division of Execution & System Management Execution, Peter Probst, Division Chief

Division of Formulation & Financial Budget Management, Sharon Omps, Division Chief



Comp Table

2025 Budget In Brief

FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

Mailing Address

Bureau of Indian Affairs
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
United States

Young Native American woman staring into the distance