Division of Performance Management

Division of AS-IA Administration, Nia Carty-McDonald, Division Chief

The Division of Performance Management assists Indian Affairs (IA) in complying with performance management requirements and designing and implementing processes that help IA leadership to effectively plan, measure, manage and evaluate IA programs.

This assistance involves Indian Affairs-wide strategic and operational planning; integrating performance planning and budgeting; performance reporting and analysis; and program evaluation and improvement. Performance of these functions applies to all programs under the authority of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs including its offices, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Bureau of Indian Education.

  • Coordinate Strategic Plan Development
  • Coordinate Performance Measure Development
  • Coordinate Quarterly Performance Reporting
  • Coordinate Data Validation and Verification
  • Provide Performance Management training

For questions regarding Indian Affairs - Performance Management System (IA-PMS) reporting, contact Melvin Gilchrist.