The training material for virtual instructor-led courses will be emailed before the start of the course. For in-person sessions, an email with instructions will be sent.
Items such as pens, pencils, highlighters, notepads, laptops, and chargers are the responsibility of the training participant.
Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as Amended
The tribal right of self-government flows from the inherent sovereignty of Indian tribes and nations and for which the United States recognizes a special government-to-government relationship with Indian tribes. The Tribal Self-Governance Act of 1994 transferred control to tribal governments, upon tribal request, over funding and decision-making for certain federal programs, services, functions, and activities operated by the Department of Interior or the Indian Health Service and intended to benefit Indians as an effective way to implement the federal policy of government-to-government relations with Indian tribes and strengthen the federal policy of Indian self-determination.
Indian Affairs Manual - Part 13 Indian Self-Determination
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