- Superintendent
- Administration
- Facilities Management:
- Human Services:
- Transportation:
- Division Of Trust Services
- Real Estate Services
- Acquisition & Disposals
- Environmental Protection
- Farm & Pasture
- Minerals & Mining
- Rights of Way
- Tribal Realty Assistants
- Forestry:
- Timber Management Section
- Fire Management Section
- Land Operations:
- Irrigation
- Probate & Estate Services
- Law Enforcement Service
Mailing/Physical Address:
Uintah and Ouray Agency
P.O. Box 130 or 988 South 7500 East
Ft. Duchesne, UT 84026
Telephone: (435) 722-4300
Telefax: (435) 722-2323
Skull Valley General Council
1198 N. Main Street, Tooele, UT 84074
(435) 882-4532 (435) 882-4889 (fax)
Ute Business Committee
P.O. Box 190, Ft. Duchesne, UT 84026
(435) 722-5141