
The primary responsibility of the BIA Alaska Region Budget Office is to accomplish the goals and missions of tribes and the BIA Alaska Region by providing guidance and oversight for ensuring integrity in budget formulation, justification, monitoring, and execution of funds.

The budget office can advise tribes on the following activities:

  • Planning, executing, and evaluating federal funding
  • Providing technical assistance and guidance in the preparation and review of annual Tribal operating budgets

The Budget Office also assists the BIA Alaska Regional Office in monitoring the execution of approved organization budgets, including obligations and expenditures in multi-year contracts and grant programs, and collecting, coordinating, analyzing and disseminating budgetary, statistical, and logistical data related to program planning, budget development, and annual budget submissions.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Andrew Gichard, Budget Officer at 907-271-4176

James Atti, Budget Analyst at 907-271-4011

Tribal-Interior Budget Council

The Tribal-Interior Budget Council (TIBC), formerly known as the Indian Affairs Tribal Budget Advisory Council (TBAC), provides a forum and process for two representatives from each BIA region and Federal officials to work together in developing annual budget requests for Indian programs in the Department of the Interior. It provides cooperative participation in Indian Affairs budget formulation, justification, and information. TIBC meetings also serve as an education forum to better inform tribes of the IA budget process and advice on the status of Indian country initiatives throughout the Federal Government.

For more information on the TIBC, please click here.