IA National Policy Memoranda (NPM)

Current NPMS

Expired NPMS

Acquisition and Property
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-ACQU-1 Contract File Location, Organization and Retention Policy
Expired 5/07/10
NPM-ACQU-2 Sole Source Justifications
Expired 6/05/08
NPM-ACQU-5 Purchase Request Package Requirements
Expired 4/14/15
NPM-ACQU-6 Required Sources for Acquisition of Supplies and Services
Rescinded 2/20/15
NPM-ACQU-7 Ratifications
Expired 4/14/15
NPM-ACQU-8 Procurement Administrative Lead Time (PALT)
Expired 4/14/15
NPM-ACQU-9 Purchase Requests (PRs)
Expired 3/4/16
NPM-PROP-1 Budget Object Class (BOC), Requisitions and Leases/Rental
Expired 8/20/08; Superseded by 23 IAM 4
NPM-PROP-2 General Services Administration (GSA)-leased Vehicle Mileage Utilization Reports
Expired 2/17/18
NPM-PROP-2 A1 General Services Administration (GSA)-leased Vehicle Mileage Utilization Reports - Amendment 1
Expired 3/5/19
NPM-PROP-2 A2 General Services Administration (GSA)-leased Vehicle Mileage Utilization Reports - Amendment 2
Expired 2/15/20
NPM-PROP-3 GSA AutoChoice Vehicle Ordering Policy
Expired 2/17/18
NPM-PROP-3 A1 General Services Administration (GSA) AutoChoice Vehicle Ordering Policy - Amendment 1
Expired 3/05/19
NPM-PROP-3 A2 General Services Administration (GSA) AutoChoice Vehicle Ordering Policy - Amendment 2
Expired 2/15/20
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-ASIA-1 Payment of Attorney Fees from Appropriated Funds
Expired 8/24/19
NPM-ASIA-1 A1 Payment of Attorney Fees from Appropriated Funds - Amendment 1
Superseded by 4 IAM 1
BIA - Other
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-DBIA-1 Youth Initiative
Expired 9/20/13
NPM-DBIA-1 A1 Youth Initiative - Amendment 2
Expired 9/20/15
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-BUDG-01 Travel Restrictions and Mission-Critical Travel
Expired 4/01/14
NPM-BUDG-02 Fiscal Year 2014 Fund Distribution Policy
Expired 9/30/14
NPM-BUDG-03 Funds Transfer (Internal) and Reprogramming Policy
Expired 10/17/15
NPM-BUDG-04 Obligation/Expenditure of Two-Year Funding in the Second Year of Availability Policy
Expired 10/01/14 (not signed until 2/20/14 but Budget Director wants Issued/Expired timeframe to follow FY)
NPM-BUDG-05 Management of Carryover Funds
Expired 9/24/20
NPM-BUDG-05 A1 Management of Carryover Funds - Amendment 1
Expired 9/15/21
NPM-BUDG-05 A2 Management of Carryover Funds - Amendment 2
Expired 9/17/22
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-OFPSM-1 Construction Facilities Improvement & Repair (FI&R) Funding Allocation Methodology
Expired 2/21/19
NPM-OFPSM-1 A1 Construction Facilities Improvement & Repair (FI&R) Funding Allocation Methodology - Amendment 1
Expired 2/15/20
NPM-OFPSM-1 A2 Construction Facilities Improvement & Repair (FI&R) Funding Allocation Methodology - Amendment 2
Expired 2/14/21
NPM-OFPSM-2 Education Construction Site Assessment and Capital Investment Program
Expired 8/24/21
NPM-OFPSM-3 Lease of Facilities under the Authority of the Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act, 25 U.S.C. § 5324(l)
Rescinded 3/03/21; Superseded by 80 IAM 7
NPM-OFPSM-4 Public Safety and Justice Construction Site Assessment and Capital Investment Pilot Program
Superseded by NPM-OFPSM-4 A1
NPM-OFPSM-4 A1 Public Safety and Justice Construction Site Assessment and Capital Investment Pilot Program - Amendment 1
Superseded by 80 IAM 12
NPM-SPC-01 Space Management
Expired 1/30/15
NPM-SPC-02 Real Property Leasing Space Utilization and Space Request Policy
Expired 6/06/18
NPM-SPC-02 A1 Real Property Leasing Space Utilization and Space Request Policy - Amendment 1
Expired 2/28/20
NPM-SPC-2 A2 Real Property Leasing Space Utilization and Space Request Policy - Amendment 2
Expired 3/06/21
Education Programs
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-EDUC- 1 Enrollment Projection Process
Expired 6/23/05
NPM-EDUC- 1A1 Enrollment Projection Process, Amendment 1
Expired 6/24/06
NPM-EDUC- 1A2 Enrollment Projection Process, Amendment 2
Expired 6/24/07
NPM-EDUC- 2 Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs and Inhalants Policy and Procedures
Expired 11/02/05
NPM-EDUC- 2A1 Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs and Inhalants Policy and Procedures, Amendment 1
Expired 11/03/06; Superseded by NPM-EDUC-21
NPM-EDUC- 4 Caseload Size in Special Education Policy Guidance
Expired 7/25/06
NPM-EDUC- 5 Critical Incident and Death Reporting Form Policy
Expired 5/26/06; Superseded by 30 IAM 4
NPM-EDUC- 6 School Contingency Funds Policy
Expired 7/07/06
NPM-EDUC- 6A1 School Contingency Funds Policy, Amendment 1
Expired 9/17/08; Superseded by 30 IAM 4
NPM-EDUC- 7 Policy Guidelines for Loss of Travel Charge Card Privileges
Expired 2/27/07
NPM-EDUC-11 Education Contract Personnel
Expired 8/03/07
NPM-EDUC-19 Cooperative Agreements with Local Public School Districts
Expired 7/29/10
NPM-EDUC-20 Family and Child Education (FACE) Policies and Procedures for Program Implementation
Expired 5/01/11
NPM-EDUC-22 Suicide Prevention, Early Intervention, and Postvention Policy
Expired 11/01/11; Superseded by 30 IAM 14 and 34 IAM 7
NPM-EDUC-26 Policy Requiring Emergency Management Programs in Schools
Expired 5/01/12
NPM-EDUC-27 Policy Waiving Qualification Requirements for Teacher Recruitment Organizations
Expired 4/01/13
NPM-EDUC-28 Policy to Support Accelerated Food Purchases
Expired 9/19/13
NPM-EDUC-30 Native American Language Programs in BIE-Operated Schools
Expired 9/25/16
NPM-EDUC-30 A1 Native American Language Programs in BIE-operated Schools - Amendment 1
Expired 2/02/18
NPM-EDUC-31 Recruitment and Vacancy Policy
Expired 12/06/17
NPM-EDUC-32 Tribally Controlled School Grants Act (TCSGA) Grant File Location, Organization, and Retention Policy
Expired 9/18/20
NPM-EDUC-32 A1 Tribally Controlled School Grants Act (TCSGA) Grant File Location, Organization, and Retention Policy – Amendment 1
Expired 9/16/21
NPM-EDUC-32 A2 Tribally Controlled School Grants Act (TCSGA) Grant File Location, Organization, and Retention Policy – Amendment 2
Expired 9/13/22; Superseded by 30 IAM 21
NPM-EDUC-33 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Expired 7/17/21
NPM-EDUC-33 A1 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - Amendment 1
Superseded by 30 IAM 15
NPM-EDUC-34 Process for Annual Updates for Johnson O’Malley (JOM) Contracts
Expired 3/16/23
NPM-EDUC-34 A1 Process for Annual Updates for Johnson O’Malley (JOM) Contracts – Amendment 1
Expired 3/16/24
Environmental-Cultural Resources
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-CULT-1 Paleontological Resources Policy
Expired 12/17/08
NPM-ENV-2 NEPA Review of the Purchase of Fractionated Interests
Expired 7/20/11
NPM-ENV-2A1 NEPA Review of the Purchase of Fractionated Interests- Amendment 1
Expired 10/18/11; Superseded by 59 IAM 3
Facilities Management
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-FM-2 Facilities Inspection Review Policy for BIA Detention Centers
Expired 12/20/06
Financial Management
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-FIN-01 Labor/Payroll Costs Adjustments
Expired 7/11/15
NPM-FIN-02 Charge Card Reallocations
Expired 7/11/15
NPM-FIN-03 Regional Agency/Organization Program Coordinator (A/OPC)
Expired 7/11/15
NPM-FIN-04 Accounts Payable 3-Way Match
Expired 7/11/15
NPM-FIN-05 Accounts Payable 2-Way Match
Expired 7/11/15
NPM-FIN-06 General Services Administration IPAC Billing
Expired 7/11/15
NPM-FIN-07 CAF-Law Enforcement Imprest Fund
Expired 1/27/15
NPM-FIN-08 Miscellaneous Obligations
NPM-FIN-09 Purchase Card Requisitions
Expired 7/11/15
NPM-FIN-10 Revenue and Expenditure Alignment for Fixed Fee Funds
Expired 7/11/15
NPM-FIN-11 Undelivered Orders Policy
Expired 1/27/15
NPM-FIN-11 A1 Undelivered Orders Policy - Amendment1
Expired 3/12/16
NPM-FIN-14 Implementation of the Buy Indian Act
Rescinded 8/30/16; Superseded by 22 IAM 8
NPM-FIN-16 Proceeds from the Sale of Motor Vehicles
4/28/17; Superseded by 27 IAM 14
Human Resources
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-HR- 1 Fitness Membership Fee Reimbursement Program
Expired 1/21/06
NPM-HR- 1A1 Fitness Membership Fee Reimbursement Program, Amendment 1
Expired 1/21/07
NPM-HR- 1A2 Fitness Membership Fee Reimbursement Program, Amendment 2
Expired 4/18/09; Superseded by 28 IAM 790
NPM-HR- 3 Competitive Areas
Expired 3/22/07
NPM-HR- 3A1 Competitive Areas, Amendment 1
Expired 3/22/08
NPM-HR- 3A2 Competitive Areas, Amendment 2
Expired 3/22/09
NPM-HR- 4 IA Telework Policy
Expired 3/23/09; IA is following the DOI Policy
NPM-HR- 5 Creditable Service for Accruing Annual Leave
Expired 1/19/07
NPM-HR- 5A1 Creditable Service for Accruing Annual Leave, Amendment 1
Expired 1/19/08
NPM-HR- 6 Performance Appraisal-Reconsideration
Expired 1/19/07
NPM-HR- 6A1 Performance Appraisal-Reconsideration, Amendment 1
Expired 1/19/08; Superseded by 28 IAM 430
NPM-HR- 7 Compensatory Time Off for Travel
Expired 3/30/07
NPM-HR- 7A1 Compensatory Time Off for Travel, Amendment 1
Expired 3/30/08
NPM-HR- 8 Indian Excellence Program
Expired 7/07/07
NPM-HR- 8A1 Updated Indian Affairs Excellence Program
Expired 7/07/08; Superseded by 28 IAM 303-H
NPM-HR- 9 Volunteer Services Program
Expired 10/09/08
NPM-HR-11 Non-Monetary Recognition
Expired 7/27/08
NPM-HR-12 Quality Step Increases
Expired 8/16/08
NPM-HR-12A1 Quality Step Increases, Amendment 1
Expired 8/16/09
NPM-HR-13 Monetary Limits of Awards
Expired 10/10/09
NPM-HR-14 Hiring Controls
Expired 1/01/15
NPM-HR-14 A1 Hiring Controls - Amendment 1
Expired 1/01/16
Indian Services
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-SELFD-1 Contract Support Cost
Superseded by 13 IAM 7
NPM-SELFD-1A Contract Support Cost, Appendix A
Superseded by 13 IAM 7
NPM-SELFD-2 Indian Self-Determination Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) Contract File Location, Organization, and Retention Policy
Expired 4/25/20
NPM-SELFD-2 A1 Indian Self-Determination Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) Contract File Location, Organization, and Retention Policy – Amendment 1
Superseded by 13 IAM 5
NPM-TRANS-1 Sign Assessment or Management Method to Maintain Minimum Levels of Retroreflectivity on BIA Roads
Expired 1/20/13
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-MGMT-1 Foreign Travel Policy and Procedures
Expired 6/01/06
Trust Services
NPM Citation Title Issue Date Current Status
NPM-TRUS- 1 Timber Contract Change to Provision B11.3
Expired 5/18/06; Superseded by NPM-TRUS-1A2
NPM-TRUS- 1A1 Timber Contract Change to Provision B11.3, Amendment 1
Approved through 2011, but superseded by NPM-TRUS-1A2
NPM-TRUS- 1A2 Timber Contract Change to Provision B11.3, Amendment 2
NPM-TRUS- 1A2 Timber Contract Change to Provision B11.3, Amendment 2
Expired 3/13/13
NPM-TRUS- 2 Application Policy to Acquire Fractionated Interest Using ILCP Funds
Expired 5/20/06
NPM-TRUS- 2A1 Application Policy to Acquire Fractionated Interest Using ILCP Funds, Amendment 1
Expired 7/18/07; Superseded by 76 IAM 3
NPM-TRUS- 3 Acquisition Policy to Acquire Fractionated Ownership Interests Held by Minors
Expired 5/20/06
NPM-TRUS- 3A1 Acquisition Policy to Acquire Fractionated Ownership Interests Held by Minors, Amendment 1
Expired 7/18/07
NPM-TRUS- 3A2 Application Policy to Acquire Fractionated Interested Held by Minors, Amendment 2
Expired 5/20/08; Superseded by 76 IAM 16
NPM-TRUS- 4 Acquiring Fractionated Mineral Ownership Interested Within the Great Plains Region
Expired 5/20/06
NPM-TRUS- 4 A1 Acquiring Fractionated Mineral Ownership Interested Within the Great Plains Region, Amendment 1
Expired 7/18/07; Superseded by NPM-TRUS-13
NPM-TRUS- 5 High Value Individual Ownership Interests on Gila River Reservation
Expired 5/20/06
NPM-TRUS- 6 Acquiring Fractionated Interests Within the Flathead Reservation at Fair Market Value Only
Expired 5/20/06
NPM-TRUS- 6A1 Acquiring Fractionated Interests Within the Flathead Reservation at Fair Market Value Only, Amendment 1
Expired 7/18/07
NPM-TRUS- 7 Life Estate Policy for Indian Land Consolidation Program
Expired 1/03/08; Superseded by 76 IAM 7
NPM-TRUS- 8 Timber Contract B9.2 Change
Expired 5/16/07; Superseded by NPM-TRUS-8A1
NPM-TRUS- 8A1 Timber Contract B9.2 Change, Amendment 1
Expired 4/14/14
NPM-TRUS- 8A1 Timber Contract B9.2 Change, Amendment 1
Expired 3/13/13
NPM-TRUS- 9 Witness Policy for the Indian Land Consolidation Program
Expired 12/04/07; Superseded by 76 IAM 9
NPM-TRUS-10 Timber Sale Revenue Policy Involving Indian Land Consolidation Program Acquisitions
Expired 11/17/07; Superseded by 76 IAM 10
NPM-TRUS-11 Purchase of Surface and Mineral Interests involving ILCA
Expired 1/03/08; Superseded by 76 IAM 11
NPM-TRUS-12 "Rounding" as Applied to the Indian Land Consolidation Program
Expired 11/17/07; Superseded by 76 IAM 12
NPM-TRUS-13 National Mineral Acquisition Policy - Acquiring Fractionated Mineral Ownership Interests
Expired 6/14/08
NPM-TRUS-14 Acquisition Policy Using Revenue from ILCP Acquisition Fund
Expired 6/18/08;Superseded by 76 IAM 6
NPM-TRUS-15 Sale of Trust and/or Restricted Land Interests by BIA Employees to the ILCP
Expired 6/14/08;Superseded by 76 IAM 15
NPM-TRUS-16 IIM Land Use Agreement Direct Payment Arrangement
Expired 5/16/08
NPM-TRUS-17 Indian Land Consolidation Program Purchase of Trust and/or Restricted Land Interests at Probate
Expired 3/04/09; Superseded by 76 IAM 14
NPM-TRUS-21 Monitoring and Clearing of Invoices and Trust Fund Payments from Trust Fund Receivables
Expired 2/19/09
NPM-TRUS-22 Trust Asset and Accounting Management System and Trust Funds Accounting System Data Interface Discrepancies Management
Expired 2/19/09
NPM-TRUS-26A1 Management of Water-Related Functions within the Office of Trust Services, Amendment 1
Extended through 10/01/12; now expired
NPM-TRUS-29 Guidance for the Approval of Tribal Leasing Regulations under the HEARTH Act
Expired 1/16/14
NPM-TRUS-30 Enterprise License Agreement (ELA) Reconciliation and Ordering Process Policy
Expired 10/29/13
NPM-TRUS-32 Authorization to Permit for Grazing
Superseded by 54 IAM 4 (Issued 9/9/14)
NPM-TRUS-33 Revised Requirements for Forest Managemen Plans for Category 3 and 4 Forested Reservations
Expired 11/25/14
NPM-TRUS-34 Revised Communitization Review Procedures
Expired 8/27/16
NPM-TRUS-34 A1 Revised Communitization Review Procedures - Amendment 1
Expired 4/14/18
NPM-TRUS-34 A2 Revised Communitization Review Procedures - Amendment 2
Expired 5/03/19
NPM-TRUS-36 Off-Reservation Fee-to-Trust Decisions
Expired 5/31/19
NPM-TRUS-36 A1 Off-Reservation Fee-to-Trust Decisions - Amendment 1
Expired 8/5/20
NPM-TRUS-37 Implementing NEPA Streamlining Directives
Expired 10/19/19
NPM-TRUS-37 A1 Implementing NEPA Streamlining Directives - Amendment 1
Expired 10/02/20
NPM-TRUS-37 A2 Implementing NEPA Streamlining Directives - Amendment 2
Expired 10/02/21
NPM-TRUS-39 Notification of Secretary's Order Number 3379 and the Process for Submitting Waiver Requests for Emergency Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
Expired 4/02/21
NPM-TRUS-39 A1 Amended Guidance under SO 3379 regarding Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) – Amendment 1
Expired 9/07/22
NPM-TRUS-40 Streamlining the Rights-of-Way (ROW) Application Process for Telecommunications Projects
Superseded by NPM-TRUS-44
NPM-TRUS-41 Creation of Owner Identification Numbers for Probate Distribution
Expired 5/18/22
NPM-TRUS-42 Administrative Fees - Retention and Collection for Certain Goods and Services for Real Estate Services
Expired 3/17/23
NPM-TRUS-42 A1 Administrative Fees – Retention and Collection for Certain Goods and Services for Real Estate Services and Agriculture and Range Services – Amendment 1
Expired 3/20/24
NPM-TRUS-43 Modernize the Land Description Review Process for Fee-to-Trust Acquisitions
Superseded by NPM-TRUS-43 A1
NPM-TRUS-43 A1 Modernize the Land Description Review Process for Fee-to-Trust Acquisitions – Amendment 1
Expired 4/21/24
NPM-TRUS-44 Streamlining the Rights-of-Way (ROW) and Business Lease Application Process for Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Telecommunication, and Renewable Energy Projects
Expired 4/15/23
NPM-TRUS-44 A1 Streamlining the Rights-of-Way and Business Lease Application Processes for Federally Funded Tribal Broadband Infrastructure Projects – Amendment 1
Expired 4/18/24
NPM-TRUS-45 Certified Silviculturist Position Task Book Requirement for BIA Foresters
Expired 8/16/23
NPM-TRUS-46 Adoption of Indian Health Service’s (IHS) Categorical Exclusion Determination for Sanitation Lines over Indian Lands
Expired 6/28/23
NPM-TRUS-46 A1 Adoption of Indian Health Service's (IHS) Categorical Exclusion Determination for Sanitation Lines over Indian Lands - Amendment 1
Superseded by NPM-TRUS-46 A2 issued on 5/14/24