Renewable Energy Grant History


Compact scrollable table with horizontal stripes
State Region Tribe/Awardee Resource Project Title Fiscal Year
AK Alaska Ahtna Incorporated Wind Willow Mountain Wind Energy Development Study 2020
AK Alaska Bristol Bay Native Corporation Geothermal Togiak Tuya Geothermal Exploration Program 2020
AK Alaska Chitina Native Corporation Renewable Renewable Heating Assessment 2020
AK Alaska Port Heiden, Native Village of Microgrid EMDP Feasibility Study for Wind, Solar, Battery, and Diesel Hybrid Power System 2020
ME Eastern Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians Biomass Biomass-Phase I- Loring Air Force Base 2016
ME Eastern Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians Renewable Renewable Energy Assessment 2010
SC Eastern Catawba Indian Nation Renewable Renewable Energy Assessment 2011
SC Eastern Catawba Indian Nation Solar Solar Feasibility 2010
LA Eastern Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana Natural Gas Natural Gas (Combined Heat & Power) 2019
LA Eastern Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana Waste to Energy Waste to Energy Feasibility Study 2016
LA Eastern Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana Renewable Renewable Energy Assessment 2015
NC Eastern Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Waste to Energy Waste to Biofuel Phase IV 2017
NC Eastern Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Waste to Energy Waste to Biofuel Phase III 2015
NC Eastern Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Waste to Energy Waste to Biofuel Phase II 2014
NC Eastern Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Waste to Energy Waste to Biofuel Phase I 2013
MA Eastern Mashpee Wampanoag Microgrid Renewable Energy Assessment - Wind and Solar 2017
MA Eastern Mashpee Wampanoag Solar  Solar Feasibility Study 2016
MA Eastern Mashpee Wampanoag Wind Wind Feasibility Study 2016
MS Eastern Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Biomass Biomass Pellet Mill Feasibility Study Phase II 2015
MS Eastern Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Biomass Biomass to Energy Facility- Winston Plywood II 2017
MS Eastern Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Biomass Biomass to Energy Facility- Winston Plywood I 2016
MS Eastern Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Biomass Biomass Pellet Mill Feasibility Study Phase I 2014
MS Eastern Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Natural Gas Natural Gas CHP Feasibility Study 2014
RI Eastern Narragansett Indian Tribe Wind Wind Feasibility Study 2006
ME Eastern Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian Township Biomass Pellet Cooperative Market Analysis Phase III 2020
ME Eastern Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian Township Biomass Biomass Pellet Mill Feasibility Phase II 2016
ME Eastern Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian Township Biomass Biomass Pellet Mill Feasibility Phase I 2015
ME Eastern Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian Township Waste to Energy Biomass Energy Feasibility Study- Gasification 2011
ME Eastern Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian Township Biomass Biomass Energy Feasibility Study 2010
ME Eastern Passamaquoddy Tribe - Pleasant Point Biomass Biofuel Energy Feasibility Study 2015
ME Eastern Passamaquoddy Tribe - Pleasant Point Tidal Tidal Energy Development Feasibility Study 2008
ME Eastern Passamaquoddy Tribe - Pleasant Point Tidal Tidal Energy Resource Assessment 2006
ME Eastern Penobscot Nation Renewable Renewable Energy Assessment 2010
NY Eastern Seneca Nation Microgrid Solar Microgrid Study 2017
LA Eastern Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana Renewable Renewable Energy Assessment [Formally WTE Feasibility] 2011
LA Eastern Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana Renewable Renewable Energy Assessment [Formally Solar Feasibility] 2010
MA Eastern Wampanoag Tribe of Gayhead/Aquinnah Wind Wind Feasibility Study 2006
OK Eastern Oklahoma Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Hydroelectric Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Phase VI- W.D. Mayo Lock & Dam #14 2015
OK Eastern Oklahoma Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Hydroelectric Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Phase V- W.D. Mayo Lock & Dam #14 2012
OK Eastern Oklahoma Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Hydroelectric Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Phase IV- W.D. Mayo Lock & Dam #14 2011
OK Eastern Oklahoma Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Hydroelectric Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Phase II and III- W.D. Mayo Lock & Dam #14 2010
OK Eastern Oklahoma Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Hydroelectric Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Phase I- W.D. Mayo Lock & Dam #14 2009
OK Eastern Oklahoma Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Wind Wind Feasibility Study Phase III- Chilloco School 2008
OK Eastern Oklahoma Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Wind Wind Feasibility Study Phase II- Chilloco School 2007
OK Eastern Oklahoma Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Wind Wind Feasibility Study Phase I- Chilloco School 2006
OK Eastern Oklahoma Choctaw Nation Waste to Energy Waste to Energy Feasibility Assessment 2017
OK Eastern Oklahoma Modoc Nation Solar Solar Energy Feasibility Study 2020
OK Eastern Oklahoma Muscogee (Creek) Nation Solar Solar Energy Feasibility Study 2017
OK Eastern Oklahoma Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma Solar Solar Feasibility Study 2020
OK Eastern Oklahoma Seminole Nation of Oklahoma Waste to Energy Waste to Biofuel Study 2014
SD Great Plains Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Geothermal Geothermal Feasibility Study Phase II - Red Scaffold 2010
SD Great Plains Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Geothermal Geothermal Feasibility Study Phase I - Red Scaffold 2008
SD Great Plains Crow Creek Sioux Tribe Wind Wind Feasibility Study 2013
SD Great Plains Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Solar Solar Energy Feasibility Study 2017
NE Great Plains Omaha Tribe of Nebraska Renewable Renewable Energy Assessment Phase II - Wind and Solar 2016
NE Great Plains Omaha Tribe of Nebraska Renewable Renewable Energy Assessment Phase I - Wind and Solar 2014
SD Great Plains Rosebud Sioux Tribe Geothermal Geothermal Feasibility Study Phase III - White River Health Care Center 2014
SD Great Plains Rosebud Sioux Tribe Waste to Energy Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Study 2012
SD Great Plains Rosebud Sioux Tribe Geothermal Geothermal Feasibility Study Phase II - White River Health Care Center 2010
SD Great Plains Rosebud Sioux Tribe Geothermal Geothermal Feasibility Study Phase I - White River Health Care Center 2007

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