Together the Midwest and Great Plains Regions serve 52 Tribes with over 62 million acres of Tribal land throughout the states of Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. In addition to two regional offices, there are 16 local BIA agencies located in the Midwest and Great Plains Regions. Indigenous communities in the Midwest and Great Plains Regions experience many of the same impacts of climate change, including changes in snowpack, seasonality and timing of precipitation events, and extreme flooding and droughts as well as melting glaciers and reduction in streamflows. These changes are already resulting in harmful impacts to tribal economies, livelihoods, and sacred waters and plants used for ceremonies, medicine, and subsistence (NCA4, Ch. 22).
Midwest: Resources
- Midwest Regional Map (
- Midwest Regional Tribal Fact Sheet (
Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) Regional Resources
- Midwest CASC Host University: University of Minnesota (
- Midwest CASC Projects (
- Midwest CASC (
Organization Resources
- College of Menominee Nation Sustainable Development Institute (
- Indigenous Climate Resilience Network (
Midwest: Bureau of Indian Affairs
Connect with the BIA Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience Regional Coordinator:
Zachary Jorgenson
Regional Coordinator
Phone: (612) 725-4528
Midwest: Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison
The BIA Midwest region is served by the Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center partnering with the College of the Menominee Sustainable Development Institute.
Ally Scott
Deputy Liaison
Phone: (608) 628-9905Sara Smith
Phone: (920) 202-6278
Great Plains: Resources
- Great Plains Regional Map (
- Great Plains Tribal Fact Sheet (
Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) Regional Resources
- North Central CASC Host University: University of Colorado (
- North Central CASC Projects (
- North Central CASC (
Organization Resources
- Great Plains Tribal Water Alliance (
Great Plains: Bureau of Indian Affairs
Connect with the BIA Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience Regional Coordinator:
Zachary Jorgenson
Regional Coordinator
Phone: (612) 725-4528
Great Plains: Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison
The BIA Great Plains region is served by the the North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center partnering with Great Plains Tribal Water Alliance.
Kynser Wahwahsuck
Senior Liaison
Phone: (913) 704-5690Janna Black
Assistant Liaison
Phone: (360) 797-8871
Contact Us
Albuquerque, NM 87104