Probate and Estate Services gathers information regarding the decedent’s family history, ownership of trust or restricted land interests (i.e., Native Allotments, inherited interests), and trust personalty (Individual Indian Money (IIM) account); this information is prepared and submitted to the Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) for adjudication.

The Probate and Estate Services has one Regional Office located in Anchorage, Alaska; this office works with twenty-three (23) compact (PL-638) tribal organizations. These organizations gather family information, for those decedents owning trust or restricted land interests within their jurisdiction, and obtain supporting documents. Additionally, some land areas are under the direct jurisdiction of the Regional Office. The estate package is submitted to the Regional Office for review and then submitted to OHA. After OHA issues a probate order, the Division works with other trust offices, such as the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians and the Land Titles and Records Office to distribute the assets.

Please call (907) 271-3911 or email to report the passing of a loved one whom you think has trust or restricted land assets. We will need the following information in order to initiate the process:

  • Name, aliases (maiden name, married name, adopted name, etc.)
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death
  • Tribe and enrollment number (if known)
  • Regional and Village corporation affiliation
  • Known relatives and spousal history (date of birth, date of death if applicable, address)

We will check for trust assets and then initiate the Probate process. An early step in the process includes completion of the OHA-7, Data for Heirship Finding & Family History Form. We can provide a copy of this form upon request.

If you have any questions, please contact:

(907) 271-3911

or through our Mailing address:

Probate and Estate Services

3601 C Street – Suite 1200 – MC 303

Anchorage AK 99503

Probate operates under the following:

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301, 503; 25 U.S.C. 9, 372-74, 410, 2201 et seq; 43 U.S.C. 1201, 1457

For regulations pertaining to the processing of Indian probate matters within the Bureau of Indian Affairs, see 25 CFR part 15 – Probate of Indian Estates, Except for Members of the Osage Nation and the Five Civilized Tribes

For regulations pertaining to the probate of Indian trust estates within the Probate Hearings Division, Office of Hearings and Appeals, see 43 CFR part 30 – Indian Probate Hearings Procedures