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Agreement Signed on Land Purchase Needed to Establish Piscataway Park

Media Contact: Office of the Secretary
For Immediate Release: January 4, 1968

Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall announced today that a purchase agreement has been reached with the owners of the last parcel of land needed to establish Piscataway Park on the Potomac River across from Mount Vernon.

The agreement was signed on Thursday by Robert W. Smith and Karl W. Smith, to convey to the United States fee title to 22 acres, including offshore islands, and a five-acre scenic easement on the balance of 96 acres of their farm, which lies in the acquisition area. The farm is in Prince Georges County, Maryland, generally between Indian Head Highway and Mockley Point. Purchase price agreed upon was $380,000.

The Secretary said this purchase will enable the Department of the Interior to initiate action to establish the 1000-acre park, since the United States now had acquired a fee simple or lesser interest in substantially all of the property in the area designated for acquisition.

Official notice of establishment of the park will be made by early February, the Secretary said.

This acquisition, together with the lands donated, or offered for donation upon establishment of the park, will serve to fulfill the purpose of the legislation, which is primarily the protection of the overview from Mount Vernon, he added.

Legislation to provide for protection of the view from George Washington's historic home on the Potomac was passed by Congress and signed October 4, 1961 as Public Law 87-362.

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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