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Apply for an EMDP grant


Need support for your idea? Learn how we can provide you with the resources required for your next energy or mineral project.

Your tribal land may have substantial natural resources. 

Each year, our Division of Energy and Mineral Development offers tribes financial support to assess the energy and mineral resource potential of their lands through its grant program. 

We plan to award 25-30 grants this year ranging in value from $10,000 (minimum ask) to $2,500,000 (maximum ask). We will only fund projects one year at a time.

Who can apply 

Only Indian Tribes, as defined by 25 U.S.C. 5304(e), and Tribal Energy Development Organizations, as defined by 25 U.S.C 3501(12), are eligible for EMDP grants. 

Before applying, we recommend that you review our list of examples of resources and activities that are eligible for funding

We also encourage potential applicants read about our success stories and review our list of past funded projects

When can you apply 

We’re currently accepting applications. 

This year, applications must be submitted by December 2, 2020. 

To be considered for funding, you must submit all required forms for your application. If your application is incomplete, we will inform you and provide an explanation of what needs to be completed. You must then resubmit a completed version of your application before the deadline. 

You should receive a confirmation email from us within __ days/hours after you submit your application. It normally takes __ weeks for us to process each application.

What you need to apply 

All applicants must complete the Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 and the Project Narrative Attachment forms. These forms can be retrieved from the download section of this web page or downloaded from under the “forms” tabs on the “SF-424 Family” page.  


There is no cost to apply, but the Department of the Interior and Indian Affairs are not responsible for application preparation costs. 

How to apply 

We prefer applicants to submit completed proposal application packages via email, but you can also submit your application via physical mail or fax.  


  1. Download and complete the Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 form 
  2. Download and complete the Project Narrative Attachment form. You are required to provide a project narrative, verification of eligibility, a proposed budget, a critical information page and a tribal resolution. 
  3. Submit your application time stamped by the deadline 

How to submit your application 


Applicants must submit the Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 form and the Project Narrative Attachment form in a single email to:  

You must include “EMDP APPLICATION NARRATIVE AND SF-424” in the email subject line and include “Attention: Ms. Winter Jojola-Talburt, Deputy Chief, Division of Energy and Mineral Development, Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development” in the first line of the email.  

Physical Mail

If you want to submit your application by physical mail, you should mail all required materials to:  

Indian Affairs 
Division of Energy and Mineral Development  
13922 Denver West Parkway, Suite 200  
Lakewood, CO 80401 
Attn: Energy and Mineral Development Program 

Packages must be postmarked by ________. 


[Please detail information on how to submit your application via the fax, including fax number.] 

After you apply 

After we review and score all submissions, we’ll let you know if we decide to fund your proposal. We normally send out award notification during the month of ____ each year. 

Related Downloads: 

  • Application for Federal Assistance SF-424
  • Project Narrative Attachment form
  • full announcement and detailed application instructions

Contact Us:

Division of Energy and Mineral Development, Attn: Energy and Mineral Development Program
13922 Denver West Parkway, Suite 200
Lakewood, CO 80401
(303) 969-5270

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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