Provided By

Indian Trust Asset Reform Act (ITARA)

The Division of Forestry supports Tribes’ forest land management and surface leasing initiatives through ITARA.

The opportunity to apply to participate in the Demonstration Project under the Indian Trust Asset Reform Act (ITARA) is still available to interested Tribes. The Division of Forestry is working hard to continue to communicate to Tribes the opportunities provided under ITARA.  

ITARA was passed into law on June 22, 2016.  Title II of the act authorizes the Secretary of the Department of the Interior to establish and carry out an Indian Trust Asset Management Demonstration Project.    

Under the Demonstration Project, Tribes engaged in forest land management and/or surface leasing activities on trust lands may apply to participate. If selected to participate, Tribes must submit an Indian Trust Asset Management Plan (ITAMP) for the management of tribal trust assets.

Requirements of a proposed ITAMP  

A proposed Indian Trust Asset Management Plan should include provisions that:  

  1. identify the trust assets that will be subject to the plan;  
  2. establish trust asset management objectives and priorities for Indian trust assets that are located within the reservation, or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction, of the Indian Tribe;  
  3. allocate trust asset management funding that is available for the Indian trust assets subject to the plan in order to meet the trust asset management objectives and priorities;  
  4. if the Indian Tribe has contracted or compacted functions or activities under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450 et seq.) relating to the management of trust assets: 
    1. identify the functions or activities that are being or will be performed by the Indian tribe under the contracts, compacts, or other agreements under that Act, which may include any of the surface leasing or forest land management activities authorized by the proposed plan   
    2. describe the practices and procedures that the Indian Tribe will follow;  
  5. establish procedures for nonbinding mediation or resolution of any dispute between the Indian Tribe and the United States relating to the trust asset management plan;  
  6. include a process for the Indian Tribe and the federal agencies affected by the trust asset management plan to conduct evaluations to ensure that trust assets are being managed in accordance with the plan; and  
  7. identify any federal regulations that will be superseded by the plan. 

Additionally, Tribes may submit tribal forestry regulations. If those regulations are approved by the Secretary, Tribes may assume certain approval authorities that streamline their forest land management activities. 

For more information, please contact Chief Forester Peter Wakeland,, (720) 237-1800.

Contact Us

Division of Forestry

1001 Indian School Road NW, Building 1
Albuquerque, NM 97104

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. MST, Monday – Friday