Indian Affairs seeking applications for Native American Business Development Institute grants

Press Release

For Immediate Release:
April 26, 2022
Program assists Tribes in exploring business solutions
through feasibility study and business plan grants

WASHINGTON –The Indian Affairs Office of Indian Economic Development announced today it is accepting applications for Native American Business Development Institute grants. Proposals must be submitted via the website by June 27, 2022.

Funds awarded through the program can be used to explore business solutions by obtaining technical assistance through the hiring of consultants to perform feasibility studies of economic development opportunities. Grants for this purpose support facilitation of informed decision-making by Tribes regarding their economic future. In addition, the grants may fund business plans for proposed businesses or Tribal businesses recovering from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Native American Business Development Institute grant program is an important funding source for Tribes looking to explore new lines of economic activity,” said Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs Bryan Newland. “By evaluating and identifying viable business endeavors, Tribes can create more opportunities for Native people to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives in their Tribal communities.”

The Office of Indian Economic Development seeks to fund approximately 10 to 32 grants, ranging in value from $25,000 to $75,000, with applicant eligibility limited to recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes and Tribal organizations.

The solicitation and details on how to apply can be found in the Federal Register and at Grants.Gov.

Questions about this solicitation may be directed to Mr. Dennis Wilson, grant management specialist, at 505-917-3235 or at

The Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairsadvises the Secretary of the Interior on Indian Affairs policy issues; communicates policy to and oversees the programs of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Indian Education, and the Bureau of Trust Funds Administration; provides leadership in consultations with Tribes; and serves as the DOI official for intra- and inter-departmental coordination and liaison within the Executive Branch on matters concerning American Indians and Alaska Natives and the federally recognized Tribes in the United States. The Office of Indian Economic Development is located within the AS-IA office.

OIED formerly known as the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development, supports the economic development of American Indian and Alaska Native communities by offering access to capital through grant opportunities and loan guarantees, and by providing technical assistance to federally recognized Tribes. OIED administers the Native American Business Development Institute Program through its Division of Economic Development. For more information about OIED’s mission and programs, visit the OIED website.


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