The BIA Office of Justice Services Missing and Murdered Unit specifically established the MMU Victim Services program for victims and families that special agents are working with to solve long-term missing or homicide cases.
What Victim Service Specialists Do
The work of the MMU Victim Services Program centers on:
Working with the lead case investigator to identify information that will not jeopardize the open investigation and to provide this information to the next of kin/family as quickly as possible.
Working with families to explain the complicated legal process that occurs as a case develops into a prosecutable case for submission to the tribal and federal courts. This provides families and next of kin a better understanding of why case information cannot always be shared while an active case is developing.
Bringing humanity to the cases by working with investigators so they understand what families need throughout the process. Ultimately, it is the goal of all parties to hold alleged suspects accountable to bring justice and closure for a family.
Occasionally the identified next of kin/family may change throughout the case due to extenuating circumstances. When this occurs, law enforcement needs to allow the legal process to transition to a new identified next of kin before they can engage with the family. Should this occur, the MMU Victim Specialists are the constant intermediary to help communicate this process.
Resources For Victims
If you have been victimized, do not wait to report it to local law enforcement. The following are national resources designed to get help you quickly and confidentially.
Resources For Families
Understanding the Crisis
Contact Us
Washington, DC 20240