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Wallace Galluzzi Named to Head Haskell Institute

Media Contact: Wilson -- 343-9431
For Immediate Release: October 31, 1968

Robert L. Bennett, Commissioner of Indian. Affairs, announced today that Wallace E. Galluzzi has been named Superintendent of Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kan.

Haskell is a post high school vocational training school for Indians. Galluzzi was principal at the Institute and has been acting superintendent the past two months since the former 3uperintendent, Thomas Tommaney, became assistant area director for education at Muskogee, Okla.

Galluzzi, a native of Brockway, Pa., is a graduate of State Teachers College, Slippery Rock, Pa., and holds a master's degree from Northern State Teachers College, Aberdeen, S.D. He joined the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Department of the Interior in 1949 as a teacher at Standing Rock Agency, N.D. He served in positions of increasing responsibility as a teacher and education specialist before being named principal at Haskell in 1963.

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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