Media Contact: Fast - Int. 4306 | Information Service
For Immediate Release: May 9, 1958

Award of a $291,950 contract for construction of additional school facilities at South Segment School near Holliday, North Dakota, was announced today by the Department of the Interior.

Chase Construction Company of Minot, North Dakota was the successful bidder for the contract. Five higher bids, ranging from $295,900 to $331,325, ware received.

South Segment School, operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, has a present enrollment of 62 day pupils. When completed the new structure will provide modern school facilities for a total of 120 pupils.

Under the contract a four-classroom school with a principal's office, book storage, toilet facilities, school kitchen and stage, and dressing rooms will be constructed. The existing two-classroom school building will be converted to two employees' quarters