Property Distribution Completed on Redding Rancheria

Media Contact: Tozier - Interior 4;06
For Immediate Release: June 18, 1962

The Department of the Interior today announced the completion of an Indian-approved property distribution plan for the Redding Rancheria in Shasta County, California, under terms of a 1958 law.

Under the 1958 enactment the group property of the rancheria, consisting mainly of 30.89 acres of land, was divided among the 44 Indian beneficiaries in accordance with a plan approved by the Indians in referendum ballot. In all cases, unrestricted title was conveyed to the Indians.

With the completion of the plan, the distributes are no longer eligible for special services from the Federal Government because of their status as Indians and the laws of the several States now apply to them as they do to other citizens.

This brings to 14 the total of property distribution plans which have now been completed under the 1958 enactment. Twenty-four others are in process. The law covers 41 Indian rancherias in California but gives the members of each the option of deciding whether or not they wish to adopt property distribution plans.