Media Contact: Lovett 202 343-7445
For Immediate Release: August 29, 1977

The LaPointe Indian Cemetery, burial place of the Chippewa Chief Great Buffalo, has been listed in The National Register of Historic Places, the Bureau of Indian Affairs announced today.

The cemetery is located on Madeline Island, in Lake Superior off the coast of Wisconsin. The property is held in trust by the United States for the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians.

Chief Great Buffalo was a principal in the treaty of 1854 in which the Chippewas ceded a large area of land to the United States and which also created the Bad River and Red Cliff Reservations in Northern Wisconsin. He died one year later at the age of 96.

The cemetery, originally Catholic Church property, was used for burials from 1836 through 1948.

The National Register is the official list of the Nation's cultural resources worthy of preservation. The Secretary of the Interior, through the National Park Service, maintains the Register and provides leadership in preserving, restoring and maintaining the historic places.