Expansion of Indian School at Greasewood, AZ will Provide for 510 More Students

Media Contact: Bureau of Indian Affairs
For Immediate Release: October 19, 1962

Award of a contract totaling $3,195,062 for expansion of school facilities to accommodate 510 additional Indian students on the Navajo Reservation at Greasewood, Arizona, was announced today by the Department of the Interior.

The contract calls for construction of a 23-classroom school building, four dormitories with a capacity of 160 students each, a 660-pupil kitchen and dining hall, a fire station, employees' quarters and other related facilities. The classroom phase of the work will involve replacement of 150 existing seats at the Greasewood School and the addition of 510 new ones.

The successful bidder was Lembke Construction Co., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Twelve higher bids were also received.