Media Contact: Ayres 202-343-7445
For Immediate Release: June 21, 1974

Commissioner of Indian Affairs Morris Thompson today announced that a $1.1 million contract for grading and surfacing about 13.55 miles of road on the Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington State, has been let to Materne Bros. Company, Spokane.

The proposed work will take place about a mile southwest of White Swan, Washington, on Signal Peak Road. Thee road provides access to such popular recreational areas as Lincoln Plateau, Klikitat River, and Mount Adams.

"The project is to involve about 3.25 miles of grading and 13.55 miles of bituminous plant-mix surfacing," Thompson said.

In addition to improving access to recreational areas, the new road will be used by school busses and mail carriers and create better farm-to-market transportation. It will also improve the route to a railroad spur and to a Yakima tribal member summer youth camp.