Tribal Energy and Mineral Data

The Division maintains a national database and warehouse of Indian energy and mineral data consisting of hardcopy report files, maps, logs, cross-sections, and digital data pertaining to the evaluation and assessment of undiscovered energy and mineral resources.

This data is a valuable resource as it can be used by both Tribes and Tribal business partners to evaluate and develop new energy and mineral resources on Tribal and allotted lands.

Conventional Energy (Oil, Natural Gas, Coal)

Oil and Gas Exploration Data: The Division assists Tribes who wish to pursue oil or gas development on their lands by collecting and storing Indian-owned seismic exploration data. DEMD also provides a central data viewing location for private industry to view in confidence, with prior consent of the Tribe, Indian owned data prior to entering into agreements.

Mineral (industrial, precious, base):

Mineral data consisting of rock samples, cores, and laboratory analysis of collected samples are stored. Lab and field reports exist in mostly digital format, with maps showing locations of mineral types.