Division of Internal Evaluation and Assessment


The Division of Internal Evaluation and Assessment (DIEA) provides guidance and oversight to Indian Affairs organizations to ensure that internal controls are established and maintained for all programs, organizations and functions. Additionally, DIEA assists and ensures that Indian Affairs organizations implement and comply with internal control guidelines established by the Department of the Interior, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Government Accountability Office, etc. to include developing an annual internal control review plan, conducting internal control reviews/assessments, identifying and correcting program and operational deficiencies and developing the Indian Affairs Annual Assurance Statement for Internal Control to the Secretary of the Interior.

DIEA also provides guidance and oversight for audits of Tribal contractors and grantees and ensures Indian Affairs compliance with the Single Audit Act and 2 CFR 200 (Grants and Agreements) (OMB Circular A-133; Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations). DIEA also conducts internal Indian Affairs’ investigations, and reviews to ensure programs achieve their intended results; resources are used consistent with agency mission; resources are protected from waste, fraud, and mismanagement; and compliance with laws, regulations, policies and procedures. The division also serves as the audit liaison/point of contact for all Indian Affairs organizations to the Department of the Interior, Assistant Secretary Policy, Management and Budget and Chief Financial Officer; Department of the Interior, Office of Inspector General; Government Accountability Office; and other agency Inspector Generals (e.g. Department of Education, Federal Communication Commission) pertaining to all audit issues to include Tribal audit matters.

Key Documents links:

5 IAM 1: Internal Control and Audits of IA Operations

5 IAM 2: Single Audits

5 IAM 2-H: Single Audit Report Supplemental Handbook

5 IAM 3: Annual Assurance Statements

Mailing Address

Indian Affairs - Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) - DIEA
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Mail Stop – 244
Reston, VA 20192
United States

Young Native American woman staring into the distance