Administrative Assessment Study

Message from the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs

One of my top priorities in this Administration is improving the delivery of services to Indian Country. At many of our meetings, both internally and in Indian Country, one of the main topics brought to my attention was the administrative functions servicing the Indian Affairs organization. To this end, Indian Affairs, in partnership with the Department of the Interior Office of Policy Management and Budget (PMB), has begun an organizational assessment to assess functionality, performance and customer support to determine if there are ways to improve how Indian Affairs delivers services to Indian Country. The assessment will be conducted by the Bronner Group, LLC, a small woman-owned business based in Chicago that specializes in consulting with the government and the public sector. Key components of this effort is to obtain input from Indian Affairs employees and Tribal leaders on their recommended changes to the Indian Affairs administrative support organization. Through various avenues as interviews, WebEx seminars, surveys and meetings, the Bronner Group will seek input from employees and Tribal officials alike.

Current Activities:

  • On-going employee interviews by Bronner
  • Employee Survey to be released
  • Tribal input being sought

Comments/Input? Please contact us at