477 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

Several Federal agencies, including Interior, are party to an interagency memorandum of agreement (MOA) to implement Public Law 102-477, the Indian Employment, Training, and Related Services Demonstration Act of 1992 (477 Program). Indian Affairs proposes to recommend to its Federal partners to reopen the MOA to amendments. Further, Indian Affairs proposes to recommend to its Federal partners that federally recognized Tribes or Tribal consortia of federally recognized Tribes participate in the MOA amendment process. This consultation session will provide the opportunity for Tribes to provide input, raise concerns and suggestions for this process and how the MOA can best support Federal implementation of the 477 Program.

Updates and additional information will be provided here when available. The consultation for this effort occurred on January 26, 2021. If any additional consultations are deemed necessary, they will show on the Consultations "schedule" webpage